Start Your Own Independent Smart Logistics/Delivery Business or upgrade your existing one. (As buying ONLINE increases, no doubt logistics businesses are on the RISE and BOOMING).
* Once you are a registered and approved DHA store owner, it qualifies you to use our independent smart delivery platform to assign jobs to different drivers, truckers, bikeman etc.
* In your account, register and group your *DELIVERY TEAM OF DRIVERS* according to their locations and assign them jobs based on their area of residents any where in Nigeria.
* Just get all your drivers to download DHA delivery app on their phones and login with their login and password you created for them.
* You can monitor goods and driver movement and activities using DHA inbuilt GPS on the platform.
* Then market/advertise your logistics company to customers that will give you goods to deliver for them and set your own delivery prices.
* Use smart inbuilt features to see when goods owner recieved their goods and signed on drivers phone and task will mark completed at your own end.
* Sign in as *Merchant* into DHA delivery platform here if you already an existing store owner. Use your same store login details at www.dhafrica.com/driver
* If you registered for our Hotel and Restaurant platform, you can access *Fast Food Deliveries* here www.eat.dhafrica.com/driver
* DHA delivery App for android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details…
* DHA Merchant App for android:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details…
* DHA Customers App for android:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details…
DHA Fast Food Deliveries for android:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details…
DHA HR Merchant App for android;https://play.google.com/store/apps/details…
DHA HR Customers App for android:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details…